LogRhythm Inc. LR-XM4441-SUB-1YR-R

One Year subscription renewal offering for XM4441. LogRhythm XM Appliance with...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-XM6430-SW-SUB-R

Subscription renewal for LR-XM6430-SW-SUB. LogRhythm XM Software Package with...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-ULP-APL-DX5500

LogRhythm Data Indexer DX5500 Appliance, 15.8 TB usable, includes KYHD and...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-APL-AIE7600

LogRhythm AI Engine AIE7600 Appliance Windows Server 2022 Standard Includes...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-APL-DP7600

LogRhythm Data Processor DP7600 Appliance Windows Server 2022 Standard Includes...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-ULP-APL-DX5600

LogRhythm Data Indexer DX5600 Appliance CentOS Elasticsearch Includes KYHD and...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-ULP-APL-PM5500

LogRhythm Platform Manager PM5500 Appliance, includes SQL Server 2016 Standard...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-ULP-APL-XM4500

LogRhythm All-in-one XM4500 Appliance, includes SQL Server 2016 Standard with 5...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-ULP-APL-DP5500

LogRhythm Data Processor DP5500 Appliance, includes KYHD and iDRAC license

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-NETMON-P

LogRhythm NetMon Perpetual License includes the following: - Quantity ordered...

Open Market / 30 Days

LogRhythm Inc. LR-XM4530-SUB-R

Term subscription renewal for LogRhythm XM4530 Appliance. Includes 500 MPS Log...

Open Market / 30 Days


This Description is reserved for External visibility and usage.Prepaid SIEM...

Open Market / 30 Days


This Description is reserved for External visibility and usage.Prepaid SIEM...

Open Market / 30 Days
